Friday, June 1, 2012

Eyebrow Trends: The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly

Are they kidding?
Take a look at these:
One of the so called eyebrow trends this spring is "The Darker The Better". If you are thinking about doing this to your eyebrows, please, call me first. I will not only talk you out of it, I'll help you get some therapy...

Other trends mentioned: "Messy Brows" (which has the potential to be interpreted in so many unflattering ways) and "Thin is In". For cryin' out loud! Do you know how many people are dealing with the aftermath of the thin brow "trends" of an earlier era? A plethora of eyebrow makeup was created just for these people.

Don't follow trends when it comes to the browage, people. Get them professionally shaped. By me or another capable Esthetician please! They should be groomed based on your facial features and the shape of your face not the trend of the moment.
Another trend I ran across? Simply brushing them straight up. I know...I don't get it either....

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