Thursday, June 21, 2012

Is your spray tan safe?

ABC News/ Good Morning America recently aired a story regarding the safety of spray tanning.
The news media did not differentiate between data that was obtained for automated spray booths and for hand-held turbine devices. The hand-held turbine devices are considered to be safe and do not need/require many of the safety precautions that the automated spray booths require.

The study that was used in the report presented by the media was done by the European Commission Scientific Study on Consumer Safety:

Spray tanning technique

The techniques that should be used are designed to minimize dihydroxyacetone (DHA) exposure to the clients. The suggested treatment time consists of less than two minutes of spraying with approximately 50 mL of product. The spray pattern should be designed to push the overspray to the ground, minimizing it and, recommend using an extraction fan if you do not have proper room ventilation.
The report by the European Commission shows that high levels of DHA should not be inhaled by either the technician or the client. Most “rapid-developing” products that are on the market have active ingredient levels of 14-22%, which are considered too high for inhalation.

The U.S. Food & Drug Administration (FDA)

DHA (the same active ingredient in every self-tanner, spray tan or sunless tanning treatment) has been approved for decades by the FDA for cosmetic use. As there have been no studies on inhalation and exposure done directly by the FDA (even though the European Commission has done studies), they advise that the products should not be used in the mucous membranes.(*Source: Skin Inc. Magazine June 18, 2012)

Skin Essentials uses a hand-held turbine device for sunless tanning and we use extraction fans. We also have all suggested safety items available to our clients: nose filters, eye covers, undergarments and lip balm.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

True Story: Brazilian Bikini Waxing

Since I became an Esthetician this is probably the service people ask me about the most! I should say that I personally do not offer or perform this service, however my co-worker Kelly offers it and it is starting to become popular. 
Here is an actual interview of a client's experience with Brazilian Bikini Waxing Service. I purposely found someone who had not had this done at Skin Essentials, since I wanted a true, unbiased opinion/testimonial.
I would love to hear any words of wisdom or tips and tricks from anyone out there who partakes in this type of waxing.

If you could just tell me a little bit about your brazilian wax experience:Was it in Wichita? 
    I've had Brazilian waxing at numerous places, including Wichita.      A few towns in California, another in Kansas and one in Minnesota.
What was it like?
    The 1st time was terrible....I swore I would never do it again.    When I say was because it took almost 2 hours and some areas were rewaxed.  OUCH!   Not a good sign when that happens.  A year went by and I went to a salon that was recommended.  I ended up going there for 2 years, about every 4-6 weeks for "maintenance"..  That woman could get every stitch of hair in 13 minutes.  She and her products were gentler and they worked. 
What did you love about it?  
    I loved the results.   When the hair started to grow back, it was finer, which is great since mine is so dark and coarse.  I can get ingrown hairs, red bumps and a rash from shaving.   When done right, waxing almost eliminated those problems.  It never will truly go away, but it is unnoticeable enough for me to confidentially wear a swimsuit.
What did you hate about it?
    The lady at the first place (and later when I moved to KS) didn't know what she was doing and the wax was cheap....I am apparently sensitive to certain waxes and not all of them actually work (as in, removing the unwanted hair).   Because I am a brunette, my hair is coarse and harder to remove.  Certain waxes are better than others.  It does take a few times to be comfortable with some of the odd positions, so be prepared for that.
Do you regret doing it? And why?
    I do not regret it, even the bad experiences.  I learned what is good for my skin and what I should stay away from.Or would you do it again and why?    If I find someone where I live now (OK), I will definitely do it again.  Its a MUST for the summertime, but if I kept it up throughout the year, the hair grows back at a slower pace, is finer, and by the next summer, my life is easier.  
How did the experience make you feel? (for example, embarrassed, scared, relieved..etc)
    I was embarrassed the first few time because of the positions you have to sometimes get in.  But if you want it done right, it is necessary.  Even if the wax is better, and the person knows what they are dong, it is going to hurt.  There is no way around that.  Do research before you book an appointment (and take a Motrin before you  go).  It's worth it!

Monday, June 4, 2012

The good news about sugar-damaged skin

I've been hearing all the news about banning soda. Some folks are pretty upset about it. I don't know if an actual "ban" is needed, I'll leave the rule-making up to the rule-makers.
I can tell you this:
Large amounts of sugar, like what's in your soda, are giving you wrinkles and acne.
It's just a fact.

Sugar damages collegen and elastin (the stuff that makes your skin firm, plump and keeps you looking young) through a process called Glycation. The sugar in your bloodstream attaches to proteins to form new molecules that damage adjacent proteins. Like a domino effect. Once collegen and elastin are damaged in this fashion they become dry and brittle, causing wrinkles and sagging. Not pretty.

I was told in beauty school that the sugar-acne connection was an old wives tale.
Well call me an old wife (not to my face) because I'm living proof that you are what you eat.
It's also scientifically well-known that one of the symptoms of inflammation in the body is acne. The way acne looks in and of itself lends itself to, swollen, gross....
Ingesting foods that raise your blood sugar quickly (like soda) causes your body to produce too much insulin (to bring your blood sugar back down) and too much insulin will cause inflammation which can appear as acne and lots of other unpleasant health issues like a lot of conditions that end in "itis" or "osis". Also not pretty.

The good news is it's never too late to start turning back the clock on sugar-damaged skin.
Replace your soda with green or herbal tea. If you like it sweet, add some Stevia. Of course there is always water. Add some cucumber and mint or lemon or lime to it if you think it's too boring.
Get more anti-oxidants in your diet. Certain fruits, nuts, and vegetables likes cranberries, walnuts and red peppers to name a few help keep sugar from attaching to that's a no-brainer.
oh and of course...don't forget the sunscreen!

Friday, June 1, 2012

Eyebrow Trends: The Good, The Bad and The Really Ugly

Are they kidding?
Take a look at these:
One of the so called eyebrow trends this spring is "The Darker The Better". If you are thinking about doing this to your eyebrows, please, call me first. I will not only talk you out of it, I'll help you get some therapy...

Other trends mentioned: "Messy Brows" (which has the potential to be interpreted in so many unflattering ways) and "Thin is In". For cryin' out loud! Do you know how many people are dealing with the aftermath of the thin brow "trends" of an earlier era? A plethora of eyebrow makeup was created just for these people.

Don't follow trends when it comes to the browage, people. Get them professionally shaped. By me or another capable Esthetician please! They should be groomed based on your facial features and the shape of your face not the trend of the moment.
Another trend I ran across? Simply brushing them straight up. I know...I don't get it either....