Friday, January 21, 2011

Calling all Exfoliators..and Nylon Magazine

While vacationing in sunny Florida I read an article in Nylon magazine:
"Doctor' Orders" (January 2011 Issue) which was advice from skincare experts including 2 Dermatologists, an Internist and a "Facialist" (not sure why they didn't call her an Esthetician?)

Anyhoo, usually these types of articles are bogus claims that all kinds of cheap drug store products will save your horrible skin. I was pleasantly surprised that this one, while still mentioning their fair share of OTC stuff like all these magazines do, (who do you think pays for the ads in these mags after all?) it also had some great skin advice that I don't usually find in the fashions mags.

Dr. Sabena Toor, the Internist warned against Microdermabrasion:
"Go Easy: I hate microdermabrasion- I just don't like anything that abrasive on the skin; you should think of your skin as a piece of silk. Encouraging cell turnover with good products without tearing at the skin is important because too much abrasion can increase breakage of blood vessels, capillary damage, and collagen breakdown."

This is such unbelievablyy wonderful advice! In my experience as an Esthetician I have seen countless casualties of Microdermabrasions and refugees of many other types of over-exfoliating!
Go Easy!!!
(We like Ultrasound facials as a safe and healthy, yet VERY effective alternative.)
While you're at it, stay away from the home peeling agents and walnut shell scrubs and all other methods of commercial-skin-torture!

There were lots of other surprisingly good pieces of advice about nutrition in this article as well as my favorite obvious solution: Get facials! I also enjoyed tidbits about music and books as well as some very bright funky and wearable makeup looks!

I declare this one not your average fashion mag!
check it out at

Monday, January 3, 2011

One Very Easy, Healthy Change For Your New Year.

No diets.
No workouts.
Just an easy change to your routine that could do you a world of good.

What product do you use on your entire body?
Is it soap?
Body Lotion?
Body Oil?

Well pick one of those and change it out with an organic option.
See that's easy.
What we put on our skin does to some degree absorb into the body that's why I'm saying start with just one thing that use one your entire body daily.
Once you've traded it for a healthy alternative then you've just done your whole body a favor!

See that was easy!
And you don't have to analyze all the ingredient labels on everything in your medicine cabinet or beauty regime, panic-stricken by how you were going to ever be rid of all those chemicals. That all-over body product covers the most surface area, so you can worry about the other things one at a time and explore new options as you run out of stuff.

No need to thank me, just pat yourself on the back and give yourself a cookie.
Unless you're on a is New Years!